domingo, 15 de octubre de 2017



At the beginning of time , God was discussing the creation with the Angel Gabriel. Leaning back in this Golden throne he told him  his plans for Scotland.
-      Gabriel – said God – I’m going to give Scotland towering mountains and magnificents glens resplendent with purple heather. Red deer will roam the coutryside, Golden eagles will circle in the skies, salmon will leap in the Crystal clear rivers and lochs, and the surrounding seas will teen of fish. Agriculture will flourish and ther will be a glorious coming togetherof wàter with barley to be know as wisky. Gold oil and gas , all will be there. The scots will be intel·ligent, innovative, industrious and .........
-      Wait a minute – interrupted Gabriel – Are you not being just a wee bit too generous to these scots?.
But the Almigthy replied.

-      Not really , I havent told you yet who their neighbours are going to be.

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